Pricefinder DE


Team Germany

    • The translations and certifications are made by a German team in Germany.
    • Here in Germany, of course, other parameters apply at hourly rates and prices for pages.
    • We do not charge any package prices for under 10 pages.
    • Each page is separately reviewed to ensure a fair price.
    • You always get the best deal. We are not afraid of the competition.
    • For documents over 10 pages, a lump sum can be applied, depending on the document review.
    • The prices for pages start from 25 euros and a legalization from 5 Euros
    • We also like to negotiate large quotas or volume sets over periods and projects.


Let us make you an offer today, write us, use the following form below:

Before that, an explanation of the current data protection is important: We treat your documents with the utmost discretion. Your data will only be used for the purpose of answering your request and will not be passed on to third parties.

Please do not send us any documents by e-mail or mail in advance. Please always wait for our answer or request. Please note the privacy policy. By submitting the form, you agree to the privacy policy.

Write us what type of documents you would like to translate and for what purpose this translation is intended, then we will contact you.

For complicated documents or specifications, call us or request a callback. Please use the following “Initial request form”











    Tell us a bit about for which purpose you need the translation